Episode #2 – Yasmijn Yarram in conversation with Mickey Yang

For this second episode of Lend Me Your Ears, we documented an interview with artist Mickey Yang relating her exhibition at KM21.
During the Art Weekend, curator Yasmijn Jarram talked with Mickey Yang about the influence of her mixed cultural identity, her work process, and the creation of the exhibition Upaya.

With a sense of humor, Mickey Yang illuminates the interpretation of Asian philosophies and spiritual practices in the Western pursuit of self-development. Yang’s first museum solo Upaya is an exhibition commenting on craft, language, and cultural appropriation. Raised in the Netherlands as the daughter of Singaporean-Chinese parents, this mixed cultural identity lies at the heart of her work. In her poetic installations she combines robust materials such as wood and metal with ephemeral effects such as smoke or reflection.

NOTE: The talk & podcast episode is in Dutch

This podcast is recorded & edited by Hans Poel in collaboration with The Hague Contemporary.

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