Episode #1 – With/Out Panel Discussion

For this first episode of Lend Me Your Ears, we documented the Panel Discussion at West Den Haag organized by multiple KABK students on the topic of interconnected dualities on 11 July 2021.

What is duality? How can we connect the dots of two things that have opposite meanings? In this podcast, the young artists explore the dualities we all work with on a daily basis. This moderated conversation about duality shines a light on where we strive to reflect together upon what it means to be With/Out, where we draw the line and how this plays a role in making and doing.

As a collective exhibition, With/Out brings attention to an ongoing dialogue. The panel discussion and accompanying exhibition With/Out is independently initiated by a group of 2nd and 3rd year Fine Arts students from the Autonoom and Painting & Printmaking department of the KABK (Koninklijke Academie van Beeldende Kunsten).

The group consists of: Alicja Mackiewicz, Anna Lesiczka, Daniel Jacobsen, Isa Roelink, Jens Kang, Katarina Head, Kiara Amartya Mohamad, Maria Ilieva, Mina Yee, Nabila Ayu Aviani and Zela Odessa Palmer. And was made possible by the curator of the exhibition and moderator of the panel discussion Yael Keijzer.

This podcast is recorded & edited by Hans Poel in collaboration with The Hague Contemporary.

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