Galerie Maurits van de Laar sluit het jaar 2024 af met de groeptentoonstelling Crowd. De expositie geeft een actueel overzicht van de kunstenaars van de galerie en een inzicht in de
The gallery, established in 1991, focuses on art in which the personal involvement and engagement of the artist emerges. There is an emphasis on drawings because ideas are first formed here, the informality and directness of the medium make that the artist gives himself away most in drawing. Painting shown in the gallery is mostly figurative, here too the personal is important besides individual character or recalcitrance. Three dimensional work has an outspoken personal form language or experiments with new ways of inhabiting spaces and exploring natural processes. In addition there is the awareness, that a gallery should be a stage for experiment also. At least once a year an artist realizes an installation or a project in the gallery.
Accessibility: accessible for all types of wheelchairs, and no adapted toilet available at this location.